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The Big Marlin is a communication and associative project born of a group of professionals and lovers of deep sea fishing. It is based on a long experience and knowledge of this exciting sport with the desire to inform all fans in a practical and enjoyable way and to offer services and assistance for their practice.

Dr. Ruperto Oliveró became fond of deep-sea fishing during his honeymoon in the Seychelles more than 40 years ago. Since then his passion for this sport has not stopped growing. Regular contributor to the best known magazines on deep-sea fishing, Dr. Oliveró promoted in the 80s the first Spanish club of deep-sea fishermen. Dr. Oliveró has made constant fishing trips for more than four decades that have taken him to all continents and corners of the planet. The experience of these trips was reflected in his book "Top 10 Game Fishing Spots in the World" that provides all the information on a selection of ten extraordinary destinations for fishing, places, skippers and establishments that Dr. Oliveró has known first hand in your travels.

Dr. Oliveró manages a highly qualified team - specialized in deep sea fishing and with a long professional experience in the best magazines - to provide the best content in thebigmarlin.com

Abbott & Mac Callan is a publishing group specializing in premium communication projects, in the edition of books, magazines and websites aimed at high-level segments. The products of Abbott & Mac Callan are characterized by a high technical rigor of the contents and some excellent formats and qualities.

Among other communication projects launched by this company is Espléndido - television program, newspaper supplement and website -, the collection of large format books "The Rutherford's Chice" in which bestsellers are counted as "Quintessence of Excellence" and prestigious titles of "Domine Maris", "Homo Itineris", "Elegance" etc. Abbott & Mac Callan currently publishes a dozen prestigious magazines that are distributed directly in the homes of thousands of holders of high patrimonies.patrimonios.


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